Florist Kew - Same Day Flower Delivery

Fresh Flower Delivery Kew

Celebrate life's special moments with fresh flower delivery from Whitehorse Flowers. We are a leading florist near you in Kew, stocking a wide range of flower arrangements and giftwares to choose from. From sourcing the freshest blooms to arranging them to perfection, our floral artisans pay meticulous attention to detail to create one-of-a-kind arrangement that leaves your recipient speechless.

Flowers For All Occasions Kew

We proudly offer a diverse selection of floral arrangements suitable for all occasions. Whether it's a celebration, an expression of gratitude, a comforting gesture, or a spontaneous surprise, our wide range of blooms ensures you'll find the perfect flower bouquet to convey your sentiments elegantly and thoughtfully. Our collection includes

Wedding And Events Flowers

At Whitehorse Flowers, we consider every petal a brushstroke, crafting exquisite wedding and event flowers that are nothing short of masterpieces. From stunning bouquets to breathtaking venue decorations, our floral designs add an elegant and captivating touch to your celebrations.

Order Flowers Online

Don't let time constraints keep you from making special occasions truly memorable. Our same-day online flower delivery is your secret to creating lasting impressions. Whether it's a birthday, anniversary, or simply a 'just because' gesture, order flowers online before our cut-off time and have the flowers delivered right at your doorstep the very same day.


Add joyous extras to your floral surprises with our giftware collection. Select from delightful chocolatescandlesdiffusersskincare productssoft toys, and hampers turning every bouquet into a unique and memorable expression of your sentiments. Also serving flowers to  DoncasterAshburtonAuburnBlackburn, Box Hill Hospital,  BulleenBurwoodBox Hill, CamberwellDonvaleGlen IrisHawthorn, Surrey HillsGlen Iris, TemplestoweMont Albert and nearby suburbs.

To order exquisite blooms and bring joy to your doorstep, feel free to call our flower shop near you in Kew at 03 9888 5953. Let’s create one-of-a-kind arrangement that adds charm to your special moments.